The Auto Clock feature enablesthe automatic dock selling and updating, and elso to set the Time Zone and Daylight
Saving Time by receiving XDS (Extended Data Sarv_".e) informationcarried on the channel signal.
YOUmust set the antenna connection before the AC cord plug Is Insetted Into the AC outlet.
B WAIT 30 MINUTES! whenthepower
switch isoff, alter the connections of the
antenna and the power I_ug. Because the Auto
Clock selling feature is activato.
After the clock isset automatically, you may have to set
the Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time.
Press the POWER button toturnon the TVNCR after
the Auto Cleck operation compleated.
• Whe_ shipped fromtoctoP/, theAUTO CLOCK
optionis set toAUTO poaltion.
• If youtum the TVNCR on inAutoCfocksetting,the
ctockis notset.
• Wgh cable box connec_on, iftheAuto C_ockSetting
is unsuccessful,please selectthe PBS channel
carryingthe XDS information, then turn the TV/VCR
off.After30 minutes, turnthe TV/VCR on, and ifthe
clockis notset automa_cally,set the clock manuall_
(sae page 16.)
Youcansetthe Daylightsavingtimeautomaticallyormanually.
B Pre_ the MENU button. Press the SET + or-
button to select the SYSTEM SET-UP option,
then press the ENTER button.
___ Press the SET + or - button to select the
DAYLIGHT SAVINGTIME option,then pressthe
ENTER button.
_m Pressthe MENU bullon. _r=_l_ PresstheSET+or-button_ UelngtheSET+or-button,'_ml
PresstheSET÷or-bullonto to select th_ STANDARD seleotyour_meZone, then
select the SYSTEM SET-UP TIME option, then press the press the ENTER button. I
I option,then press the ENTER button. ENTER button. Press the MENU button untilthe
• SeT* MENU screen is cleared.
SET_ | TIf4ER _C SElf
| CH_TJJp {;LOCK _ 0_¢F SET-- CENTP_L 1_4J_rAm
press the SET + or- buttunfo select one ofthe
optlens, then pressthe ENTER button. Press the
MENU button untilthe MENU screen iscleared,
$_'r +
SET- l _ON
ON: for manual setting
(forward one hour)
OFF: for manual setting
(bock one hour)
AUTO: for automatic setting
(read XDS in the elgnai)
When you wantto setthe DaylightSaving _me manuall,
on the first Sunday in Aprilyou setto =ON', and o_ the last
Sunday in October you set to "OFF_.
N_T_:eAllerAutoC_ocksetting_ins_mecasethec_ckrnaydisplaytheothertimez_nels_Y_ucancorreotthec_ck NOTE: •WhenshippedfromtactoPJ, theDAYLIGHTSAVINGTIMEoptionissettoAUTOposition.
byselecting your Time Zone setting above. • When the clock is not set, Daylight Saving Time setting is not available,
• When the alock isnot set oryou set the clock manually, Time Zone setting is not available. • When there is no Daylight Saving Time inyour area, always select OFF positionin step 3.
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