This television has the capability to decode and display
Closed Captioned _evision programs. Ciceed
Captioning witldisplay toxt on the screen for hearing
impaired viewers Orit willtranslate and displaytext in
another isnguage.
Closed Captioned programscan be recOrded and pioyed
beck on a VCR withthe Clased Captioned text intact.
The Closed Captioned text willdisapbear during Cue
(Fast Forward Search), Review (Rewind Search) and
Pause Modes or if the VCR tracking is notadjusted
Press the W/CAP/TEXT betto_ on the remote controlto
switch between normal TV and the two Closed Caption
Modes (C_otions and FullScreen Text).
Captions: This Closed Caption Mode will display text
on the screen in Englishoranother language (depend-
ingo11the setting ofthe Closed Captions CH. Channel 1
orChannel 2).
Generally, Closed Captions inEnglish are transmitted
on Captions Channel 1 and Closed Captions in other
languages are transmitted on Captions Channel 2.
Text: The Text Clased Caption Mode willusuallyfillthe
screen with a programming schedule orother information.
After selecting a Closed Caption Mode, it willstay in
effect until itischanged, even ifthe channel is changed.
If the Captions signal islost due to a comrnerciat or a
break inthe signal, the Captions willreappear when the
signal is received again.
If the channels are changed, the Captions will be
approximately 10 seconds.
The Captions will appear in placeson the screen where
they will least intedete withthe picture,usually on the
bottom of the screen: News programs will usuallyshow
three-line Closed Captions which scrollonto the screen.
Most other shows providetwo or three lined Captions
placed nearthe character who is speaking so the viewer
can follow the dialogue.
Words in italics orunderlined describe titles, words in
foreign languages or words requiringemphasis. Words
that are sung usually appear encto_ed by musical notes.
For televisionprograms broadcasting with Closed Cap-
tions, lookin your TV guide for the Closed Capgons
symbol (CC).
This TV/VCR is equipped with a channel memory feature which allows channels to skip up or down tothe next
channel set intomemory, skipping over unwanted channels. Before selecting channels, they must be programmed
into theTV/VCR's memory. Inapdidon to ngrmal VHF and UHF channels, this I"V/VCR can receive up to 11_3Cable
TV channels. To use this TV/VCR with an antenna, set the W/CAW menu optionto the TV mode. When shipped
from the factory,this menu option isin the CATV mode.
D Press the MENU button. _=_ ress the SET + or- button to selectthe CH "_
SET-UP mode, thenpress the ENTER button.
W S_p
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• When selectingClosed Captions, the captioning will ha deisyed approximately 10 seconds.
• If no caption signei isreceived, no captions will appear, butthe television willremain in the Caption Mode.
• Misspellingsor unusualcharacters may occasionally appear during Closed Captioning. This is normal with
Clased Captioning, especially with live programs. This is because dur_g live programs, captions are also
entered rive.These transmissionsdo notallow time for od_ng.
• "Whenthe on-screen indicator appears during volume adjustment operation, etc., Clcaed Caption text will not
be displayed.
• Some Cable systems and copy protectionsystems may interfere with the Closed Captioned signal.
• If usingan indoor antenna or if TV reception is very poor,the Closed CaplJonDecoder may not appear or
may appear withstrange characters ormisspelled words. In this case, adjust the antenna forbetter reception
or use an outdoor antenna.
Press the SET + or - button
to select the TV/CATV mode.
Press the ENTER button
to select theTV orCA'rV
mode. The arrow indicates
the selected mode.
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