2 3 4 5 6
\ \ ! /
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21
1. Cauette Loading Slot - To insert orremove a
2. REC I ITR Button. Press once to start normal
recording. Additional presses activate thstant Timer
3. REW (Rewind) Button - In the Stop mode. this
button rapidlywinds the tape backwards. Inthe Play
mode, this buttonactivates reverse search.
4, PLAY Button. Press toplay a prerecorded tape.
5. FF (Fast Forward) Sutton - In the Stop mode, this
button rapidly windsthe tape forward. In the Play
mode, thisbutton activates forward search.
6. STOP/EJECT Button - Press once tostop the tape
in any mode. Press again toeject the tape.
7. Headphone Jack - Plug monaural headphones or
an earphone with an 1/8" miniplug intothis jack for
private listening.
8, AUDIO/VIDEO IN Jacks -Audio and video signal
cables from an estemal source can be connected
9. INPUT Selector Button - Switches the program for
viewingbetween the VCR and an external input
10, SP/EP Selector Button - Sets the tape speed for
1. TIMER Button - Used to set the TV/VCR to start 14. PAUSE Button - During recording, this button
recording at a preset lime. temporarily stops the tape. During playback, it stops
2` INPUT Selector Button - Switches the wograrn tor the tape aho dlsptays a still image on the TV screen.
viewing between the VCR and extemai inputsources. 15, SLEEP Button - Sets the TV totam offautomatically
11. CHANNEL +/- Suttorm - Press to saiect a channel 3. CALL Button. Displaysthe presentitmeJday of the
forviewing or recording, week, channel, counter, speed Selection (and VCR
12, VOLUME + I - Buttons - Press to raise or lower the rhodeifVCR la playing) on the TV screen.
volume ofthe sOUnd. 4. W/CAP/TEXT Button - Switches between Caption,
13. REC Indloator - Lightswhan the "rv/vCR isrecordlag, Text and TV modesfor Ciosed-Captlondd programs.
14, REC TIMER Indicator - This lightswhen the TIMER 5. REW (Rewind) Button - Inthe Stop mode, this
button ispressed, button rapidlywinds the tape backwards. In the Play
mode, thisbutton activates reverse search.
15. ON TIMER Indicator - This indicator lightsup when 6. REC sutton - Press once togetherwith the PLAY
the powered up. It also lightsup when ON TIMER button tostart normal recording. Additional presses
program is turned ON while power is OFF. activate InstantTimer Recording.
16. POWER Button. Press to turnthe TV/VCR on or off. 7, MUTING Button - Press to rum offthe sound. Press
17. Remote Sensor. Signals from the Remote Control
are received here.
18. VHF/UHF Antenna Jack - Connect the 75 ohm
coaxial cable from the antenna or Cabie TV service
to thisjack.
19. VIDEO/AUDIO IN Jacks -Audio and video signal
cables from an external sourcecan be connected
20. VIDEO/AUDIO OUT Jacks - Used tooutpJt audio
and videosignals toa TV, amplifier or VCR.
21, AC Power Cord - Connect to a 120V. 60Hz outlet.
again to turnthe sound back on.
8, CANCEL Button - Press to canCelexisting setups or
to restore default values.
9, ENTER Button - Press to enter selected Setup.
10. POWER Button - Press to tam theTV/VCR on.
Press again to tom the TVNCR off,
11. COUNTER RESET Button - Used to reset the
counter to 00:00:00.
12. RETURN Button - Switches between the present
channel and the last channai selected.
13. FF (Fast Forward) Button - In the Stop mode, this
button rapidlywinds the tape forward, in the Play
mode, thisbutton activates forwardsearch,
after up to 120 minutes.
16, MENU Button - Press to display the On-Screen menu
17. SP/EP Selector Button - Sets the tape speed for
18. Direct Channel Selection Buttons (0-9) - Allows
direct access to any channel,
19. Digital AUTO TRACKING Buttons - Allows automatic
or manual adjustment oftracking to minimizepicture
noise during playback.
20, STOP Button - Press once to stop the tape.
21, CHANNEL + /- Buttons - Press the + button to
change toa higher numbered channel set intornen_P_
Press the - buttonto change to a lower numbered
channel set intornemo_
22. PROGRAM Button - Press to confirm the programmed
timer recording and ON/OFF timen
23. ZERO RETURN Button ° Use tostop the tape when
the counter reaches 00:03:00.
24, pLAY Sutton °Press to play a prerecorded tape.
25. VOLUME ÷ / - Buttona - Press the + button to
increase, or the - buttc_nto decrease thevolume lavai.
26, SET + / - Euttons - Used to select the option in the
menu or set timer recording, ON/OFF t_ner, channel
set, picture adjustment, auto repeat, clock and