Three seconds after turning dial, oven door will start to automatically latch and cooling
fan will come on. The LOCK Indicator Word will come on when the door is latched.
NOTE: If oven door was left open, after I minute "door" willflash in Display and a signal
will continuously beep until the door is closed and the Clean Pad is pushed.
Indicator Word ON comes on when the door is latched and elements cycle on. The
Indicator Word ON will cycle with the elements to maintain the clean temperature.
When the clean function has been completed, the IndicatorWords CLEAN and ON will
go off. The Indicator Word LOCK and the cooling fan will remain on until the oven has
cooled down and the door has unlocked.
To set oven to start cleaning at a later time:
1. Closedoor.
2. Touch Clean Pad.
3. Turn Set dial to desired start time.
4. Touch Stop Time Pad.
Indicator Words CLEAN, STOP and TIME will flash in the Display. The calculated
stop time will also appear in Display.
NOTEWW2780 OWNERS: The appropriate number (1-upper oven; 2-lower oven)
will also flash.
5. Turn Set Dial to enter stop time.
Set Dial must beturned clockwise. A stop time can only be accepted for later in the
EXAMPLE: Ifat 9 o'clock P.M. youset the oven to cleanfor 3hours, the calculated
stop time would be "12:00 AM". The Display would Show:
C_E_ STOP ,_ CL_
Ifyouwant thestoptime to be 1o'clock AM, turnthe Set Dial untilthe Displayshows:
- '£"1/'-I
Three seconds afterturning dial,the time ofday returnstothe Display. The Indicator
Word DELAY will come on. The LOCKIndicator Word will come on andthe cooling
fan will go off as soon as the oven door has latched.
When the ovenbegins toclean, the IndicatorWord ON and thecooling fanwill come
on and the Indicator Word DELAY will go off.
When the clean time has been completed, the Indicator Words CLEAN and ONwill
go off. The Indicator Word LOCK and the cooling fan will remain on until the oven
has cooled down and the door has unlocked.