IMPORTANT: Oven will preheat for approximately 8 to 12 minutes. At end of
programmed CookTime, oven willshutoff automatically; retained heatwill continue
to cook food. Clock controlled cooking is not recommended for baked items that
require a preheated oven, such as cakes, cookies, pies, breads. Forthese foods,
place food in preheated oven, then use Timer to signal end of baking time.
At the end of programmed Cook Time, the oven will shut off automatically and a
"beep" will signal 3 times.
To set oven to start at future time and shut off automatically:
1. Follow preceding Steps 1-4.
5. Touch Stop Time Pad.
Indicator Words OVEN, STOPand TIMEwill flash. Display willshow the calculated
stop time based on current time of day and cook time.
NOTEWW2780 OWNERS: The appropriate number (1-upper oven; 2-loweroven)
will also flash.
6. Turn Set Dial clockwise. A stop time can only be accepted for later in the day.
NOTE: Since food continues to cook ifleft inthe oven, it issuggested that the clock
controls beusedprimarily tostart theoven when noone isinthe kitchen. Provisions
should be made to have the food removed as soon as the signal has sounded.
EXAMPLE: Ifat 10o'clock you set theoven for 350°convection baking and 2 hours
and 30minutescooking time, thecalculated stoptime wouldbe "12:30".The Display
would show:
Il"--Ji-I ' no
-fC .JLI
ova. slop T_E []
If you want the stop time to be 1o'clock, turn the SetDial until "1:00" appears inthe
Display Window. Three seconds after turning dial, the DisplayWindow will return
to current time of day, thus showing:
I '5''-"-'
r .LILI .......
At theend of the delayed period,the DELAY Indicator Wordwill go off andthe oven
will begin to heat. 140° willbe shown. The word PRE will not appear in the Display.
As theoven heats, the Display willshow a risein increments of5° untilprogrammed
temperature is reached.
At the end of programmed Cook Time, the oven will shut off automatically and a
"beep" will be heard 3 times.
To recall time function programmed: Touch the appropriate time pad.
To cancel timed function only: Hold Cook Time Pad for 3 seconds. This will only
cancel cook time and stop time, not programmed bake mode.
NOTE WW2780 OWNERS: Clock controlled baking can be used with both ovens
simultaneously, but cook time and stop time will be the same.
NOTEWW2780 OWNERS: Ifone oven is set forclock controlled baking, the other oven
cannot be set to self-clean.
I NOTE: If more than 10 seconds elapse between touching a function pad and
turning the Set Dial, theoven is not set and Display will return toprevious Display.