1. Insertprobe.
2. TouchProbe Pad.
3. Turn Set Dial todesiredtemperature.
4. TouchBake Pad or Convect Bake Pad.
5. Turn Set Dial todesiredtemperature.
6. TouchCook Time Pad.*
7. TurnSet Dial toenterestimatedcookingtime.*
8. TouchStop Time Pad.*
9. TurnSet Dial toenterStop Time.*
Omit steps6-9 if youwishto start cookingimmediately.
To set probe feature:
1. Insert the probe into the food item. For
meats,the probetip shouldbe located in
the center ofthe thickest partof themeat
and not in fat or touching a bone.
2. Placethe food inthe oven using the rack ......
position suggested on page 11.
3. Insertthe probe plug intothe receptacle located behindthe metal cover plate onthe
right inside oven wall. Be certain to insert plug into the receptacle all the way.
NOTE: After the probe is inserted, the IndicatorWord PRB will flash and signalwill
beep reminding you to enter the desired probe temperature.
4. Touch Probe Pad.
Indicator Word PRB will flash and three dashes will be shown in the Display.
5. Turn Set Dialto desired degree of doneness.
If the Set Dial isturned one click, 135° will be shown. The Set Dialcan be turned in
either direction. If desired, the temperature may be set upward or downward in 5°
(Allowable range is 100° to 200°.)
EXAMPLE: At 10 o'clock to set the probe for 150°, turn Set Dial clockwise until
Display shows:
I ID.mmp
I .LILt '