
N2800e (continued)
understanding 1
NC dialer window, learning about
the 23
NetVista Thin Client
website 16
network cables 4
Operations Utility
installing 15
using TCM to perform a software
update on a workstation 26
using TCM to recover the flash image
of a workstation 30
ordering replacement parts 42
maintaining and reconfiguring PPP
dialer parameters 23
peer-booted workstation
recovering the image 28
peer flash recovery 27
disabling 29
enabling 27
pin information
connector 59
power consumption 4
power on 9
startup sequence 9
power supply
installing the 49
removing the 48
replacing the 48
prerequisites for using 21
PPP dial access, prerequisites for
using 21
PPP dialer
configuring a workstation for 21
configuring initial modem settings
for 22
for Thin Client Express
workstations 21
preparing a workstation for 21
starting the 23
troubleshooting 24
using to access flash images 24
PPP dialer parameters
maintaining and reconfiguring 23
for using PPP dial access 21
troubleshooting PPP dialer 24
reconfiguring PPP dialer parameters 23
recovering the flash image of a
workstation 26
disabling peer flash recovery 29
enabling peer flash recovery 27
peer flash 27
recovery (continued)
recovering the flash image 28
using TCM to recover the flash image
of a workstation 30
using the Setup Utility to recover the
flash image of a workstation 29
Managing your Thin Client Express
remotely 19
removing the power supply 48
replacing hardware parts 41
replacing the N2800e Thin Client Express
CompactFlash card 41
replacing the power supply 48
resolving problems 31
returning hardware parts 44
selecting the voltage for your
location 51
Service Utility 15
configuring initial modem for PPP
dialer access 22
Setup Utility 11
example menu 11
navigation 12
recovering the flash image of a
workstation 29
software update
on a workstation 25
using TCM to perform a software
update 26
using the Configuration Tool to
perform a software update 25
startup sequence 9
Thin Client Express
boot block image 53
configuring 11
hardware 3
hardware parts 41, 42, 44
hardware problems 31
installing management utilities 15
ordering replacement parts 42
PPP dialer for 21
remote management 19
replacing hardware parts 41
returning parts 44
setting up 7
startup sequence 9
understanding 1
Thin Client Manager Operations Utility
using TCM to perform a software
update on a workstation 26
using TCM to recover the flash image
of a workstation 30
troubleshooting 31
PPP dialer problems 24
software update of a workstation 25
update (continued)
using TCM to perform a software
update 26
using the Configuration Tool to
perform a software update 25
installing from the NetVista Thin
Client Utilities CD 16
operations 15
service 15
setup 11
verifying problems 31
selecting the voltage for your
location 51
NetVista Thin Client 16
website for NetVista Thin Client
Utilities 16
Windows 2000 Advanced Server 15
Windows 2000 Professional 15
Windows 2000 Server 15
Windows NT Server 4.0 15
Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server
Edition (TSE) 15
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 15
altering the flash image 25
configuring for PPP dialer 21
disabling peer flash recovery 29
enabling peer flash recovery 27
peer flash recovery 27
performing a software update 25
PPP dialer for Thin Client Express 21
preparing for PPP configuration 21
recovering the flash image 26
recovering the image on a peer-booted
workstation 28
remote management 19
using TCM to perform a software
update 26
using TCM to recover the flash
image 30
using the Configuration Tool to
perform a software update 25
using the Setup Utility to recover the
flash image 29