
13. Under Boot file server directory and file name, specify this directory and file
name as the First option:
14. Under Boot file server protocol, set NFS to First.
15. Press F3 to save your settings and return to the Advanced Configuration
16. Press F10 to reboot the workstation.
17. Specify the appropriate flash file, or BOM file, and press Enter to continue.
For information on selecting the correct flash file, see Appendix E. Choosing
a flash fileon page 55.
Note: The workstation will not prompt you to specify a BOM file in the
following instances:
a. You are performing a peer flash recovery.
b. The Service Utilities server administrator has already specified a
BOM file to use for flash recovery.
Attention: Recovering the flash image of a workstation can take as long as
10 minutes. Do not power off the workstation until the flash recovery process
is complete.
After the recovered workstation reboots, the Configuration Tool appears on
the display.
18. Make any necessary changes to your configuration, and then click Save and
If you are interested in learning more about the Configuration Tool, see Using the
Configuration Tool to configure the workstationon page 12.
Using the Thin Client Manager Operations Utility to recover
the flash image of a workstation
You can use the Thin Client Manager Operations Utility to recover the flash image
of a workstation. To find out how to perform this, and other workstation
management tasks, refer to IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager Operations Utility
(SA23-2813) for information about managing your Thin Client Express. This
information is available at the following URL: