
b. Choose a display resolution setting and a display frequency setting.
c. Configure the workstation Internet Protocol (IP) settings:
1) From the CompactFlash Boot - Configure IP settings menu, disable
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
2) Verify that all IP values are
3) From the CompactFlash Boot - Configure IP settings menu, enable Dial
4) Press Enter. The workstation restarts, and the Configuration Tool
appears on the display. If the Configuration Tool does not display, Press
and hold the following keys on the left side of the keyboard: Shift +
Ctrl + Alt. Hold the keys down for several seconds until the
Configuration Tool starts.
Note: If you are unable to enter the Configuration Tool, the workstation
may not have access to the Configuration Tool. Refer to IBM
NetVista Thin Client Manager Operations Utility (SA23-2813) for
more information about granting and denying access to the
Configuration Tool. This information is available at the following
4. From the Configuration Tool, select a language.
You have completed the initial configurations of your workstation for PPP dialer
access. Continue with Configuring initial modem settings for PPP dialer access.
Configuring initial modem settings for PPP dialer access
Once you have prepared a workstation for PPP dialer access, you must configure
the initial modem settings of the workstation. Perform the following steps from the
Communication Options menu of the Configuration Tool to complete this task:
1. Select a type of modem. N2800e workstations use an USB modem, or a serial
2. Select DTE Baud rate. If you are using a 56K modem, you should select 57600
or higher.
3. Select a dialing method. You can choose Tone or Pulse.
4. This step is optional, depending on the modem that you are using:
a. Type the modem initialization string in the appropriate field. This can
contain additional commands for the modem.
b. Type one command string and one response string into the appropriate
fields. Refer to the documentation for the modem that you are using for
specific commands. An example of a command string and a response string
is atz&fL1 OK.
5. This step is optional, depending on the applications that you want to use:
a. If you need DNS support, from the DNS active pulldown list, select Yes.
b. Type up to two DNS server IP addresses in the IP address 1 and IP address
2 fields.
c. Type an optional domain name in the Domain field.
6. Type the telephone number of the ISP in the Phone number field. You can
include commas in the telephone number for time delay, but you cannot
include blank spaces. Commas indicate to the PPP dialer that it needs to wait
for a dial tone before continuing to dial the telephone number of the ISP.