0150-0229D 50 Kalatel DVMRe StoreSafe
3.14 Audio Setup
Use this menu to enable or disable the audio feature of StoreSafe. This menu is
not available on the standard models. Select from:
• G.711
Audio Limitations:
1. To record audio at least one the unit’s video inputs must be set to record video at a rate of 1pps
or faster.
2. If all the cameras are set to EVENT mode and no events are occurring, no audio will be recorded
regardless of the event recording speed.
3.15 Quick Wave Setup
This feature provides the option of having the QuickWave software
written to any CDs that are created. This allows the CD to be read
on any PC without installing software. Select ON to enable, OFF to
3.16 Communications
Use this menu to:
• Configure the baud rates and settings for the RS232 ports.
• Configure the network address for the RS485 network. This menu is
not available on the standard models.
• Configure the Ethernet address and networks settings.
q Main Menu → Communications → RS232
Select the Port you wish to configure and press the ENTER button.
The Port 2 menu option is not available on the standard models.
Port 1
Use this menu to:
• Enable/Disable POTS and configure the Modem initialization
string (POTS Setup).
• Adjust the Baud rate.
POTS Setup
The default modem string (shown below) is for use with Hayes Accura 56k, Diamond Supra Express
56k, and 5686 US Robotics modems in their default conditions. Consult with the modem manual
before attempting to make any changes. It is strongly recommended that the modem initialization
string only be modified by a qualified technician.
Port 2
Port 1
Baud Rate
QuickWave CD Write: ON
QuickWave Setup