190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Message Priority Description
Warning – Autopilot is disengaged
Single alert for manual AP disengagement
Continuous alert for automatic AP disengagement; cancelled with AP DISC Switch
“Cabin” High cabin altitude
“Fire, Fire” Engine fire
“Flight Director” Flight director has reverted to pitch or roll default mode
“High Speed” Maximum operating speed exceeded
“Landing Gear” Gear up in landing condition
“Minimums, minimums” The aircraft has descended below the preset barometric minimum descent altitude.
“No Takeoff Brake” No Takeoff Configuration due to brake status
“No Takeoff Flaps” No Takeoff Configuration due to flap status
“No Takeoff Trim” No Takeoff Configuration due to trim status
“Stall, Stall” Airplane in stall condition
“Timer Expired” Countdown timer on the PFD has reached zero
“Speed Control” CSC (if available) disengaged abnormally
Aircraft has deviated ±200 feet of the selected altitude
“Traffic” The Traffic Information Service (TIS) has issued a Traffic Advisory alert.
“Trim Trim Trim” Trim switch malfunction
“Vertical track”
The aircraft is one minute from Top of Descent. Issued only when vertical navigation is
“Aural Warning OK”
Aural warning system test passes
“Aural Warning One Channel” Aural warning system test detects failure in one channel
“Incoming Call Satellite telephone is receiving a call
“SelCal” Incoming communication through the HF radio
“Takeoff OK” Takeoff configuration test passed
“TIS not available” The aircraft is outside the Traffic Information Service (TIS) coverage area.
In some circumstances, some messages may appear in conjunction with others.
Flight Plan Import/Export Results Description
‘Flight plan successfully imported.’ A flight plan file stored on the SD card was successfully imported as a stored flight plan.
‘File contained user waypoints only. User
waypoints imported successfully. No stored
flight plan data was modified.’
The file stored on the SD card did not contain a flight plan, only user waypoints. These
waypoints have been saved to the system user waypoints. No flight plans stored in the
system have been modified.
‘No flight plan files found to import.’ The SD card contains no flight plan data.
‘Flight plan import failed.’ Flight plan data was not successfully imported from the SD card.
‘Flight plan partially imported.’ Some flight plan waypoints were successfully imported from the SD card, however others
had errors and were not imported. A partial stored flight plan now exists in the system.
‘File contained user waypoints only.’ The file stored on the SD card did not contain a flight plan, only user waypoints. One or
more of these waypoints did not import successfully.
‘Too many points. Flight plan truncated.’ The flight plan on the SD card contains more waypoints than the system can support. The
flight plan was imported with as many waypoints as possible.