190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Message Description
FUEL EQUAL Fuel quantity asymmetry corrected; XFEED SOV is open
FUEL1 FEED FAULT DC pump on due to low fuel pressure
FUEL2 FEED FAULT DC pump on due to low fuel pressure
FUEL 1 PSW FAIL Fuel pressure switch stuck in “high” position
FUEL 2 PSW FAIL Fuel pressure switch stuck in “high” position
FUEL PUMP 1 FAIL Fuel pump 1 failure
FUEL PUMP 2 FAIL Fuel pump 2 failure
GEA 1 FAIL Failure of GEA 1
GEA 2 FAIL Failure of GEA 2
GEA 3 FAIL Failure of GEA 3
GND SPLR OPEN* The spoiler panels are open in flight without any command for doing so
GPU CONNECTED Ground power unit connected to the aircraft
GSD FAIL GSD non-communicative
HSDB FAULT An LRU has stopped communicating over an HSDB
HSDB SW REV POS HSDB switch in reversionary position
MFD FAN FAIL Failure of MFD fan
OXY SW NOT AUTO Oxygen system switch in manual mode
PFD 1 FAN FAIL Failure of PFD 1 fan
PFD 2 FAN FAIL Failure of PFD 2 fan
PTRIM SW1 FAIL Failure of pilot pitch trim switch
PTRIM SW2 FAIL Failure of copilot pitch trim switch
RALT FAIL* Radar altitude failure
RAM AIR FAIL Ram air valve failure
SHED BUS OFF Shed bus off
SPDBRK SW DISAG* Speed brake switch is in "OPEN" in an unauthorized flight condition
Ground Spoiler arm logic failed
Ground Spoiler command disagree
Spoiler position disagree
Ground Spoiler Control Valve failed
Speed brake command failed
Speed brake command inhibit failed
SWPS ICE SPEED Stall Warning System activation angles anticipated due to ice conditions
* Optional