Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
190-00728-04 Rev. A304
h) Press the ENT Key twice to activate the direct-to. Note, in Figure 5-124, the magenta arrow indicating the direct-
to OPSHN after the offset waypoint for OPSHN. The preceding offset waypoint indicates the offset distance
and altitude that were previously entered. The remaining waypoints in the loaded arrival procedure have no
database specified altitudes, therefore, dashes are displayed. Keep the CDI centered and maintain a track along
the magenta line to OPSHN.
Note the Direct-to waypoint is within the loaded arrival procedure, therefore, phase of flight scaling for the CDI
changes to Terminal Mode and is annunciated by displaying ‘TERM’ on the HSI.
NOTE: If the loaded arrival procedure has waypoints with altitude constraints retrieved from the database
that will be used as is, the altitude must be manually accepted by placing the cursor over the desired
altitude, then pressing the ENT Key. The altitude is now displayed as light blue meaning it is now used by
the system to determine vertical speed and deviation guidance.
Figure 5-124 Direct-to Active
12) The aircraft is proceeding to OPSHN. The expected approach is the RNAV LPV approach to runway 35R, so it is
a) Press the
Key to display the Procedures Window.