
2. To manage tasks hierarchically, use the following procedure to create a folder:
a. In the Task Scheduler menu, after selecting Task Scheduler Library, select [Actions]-[New Folder], and then enter any folder
name in the dialog box that is displayed and click <OK>.
b. Selecting the created folder and then creating another folder by selecting [Actions]-[New Folder] from the Task Scheduler
menu allows a further hierarchical level to be added.
Creating a folder in Task Manager allows tasks to be managed hierarchically. In cases such as where multiple tasks are to be
registered, creating a folder allows task management to be performed efficiently.
3. From the Task Scheduler menu, select Actions >> Create Basic Task to display the Create Basic Task Wizard.
When a subsequent operation is performed after any folder is selected, the task will be registered under that folder. If a folder is not
selected, the task will be registered in the Task Scheduler Library.
4. In the [Name] field, enter a task name (for example, "Monthly backup") and click <Next>.
5. Select "Monthly" as the task trigger and click <Next>.
6. In the Start field, set the date and time at which periodic backup is to start.
Example: Set a date of the "1st" of the following month and "3:00:00".
7. In the [Months] field, select the "Select all months" checkbox.
8. In the [Days] field, select the "1" checkbox.
9. Click <Next>.
10. Select "Start a program" as the task action and click <Next>.
11. Click <Browse> and in the [Program/script] field, set the batch files for base backup.
@echo off
echo "Resource Manager Cloud Edition Resources backup Start"
call "{Installation_folder}\SVROR\Manager\bin\rcxmgrbackup" -directory {storage destination
folder} -base
echo "Resource Manager Cloud Edition Resources backup End"
- For details on the rcxmgrbackup command, refer to "6.6 rcxmgrbackup" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
12. In the [Add arguments (optional)] field, set a character string to be used for outputting the command output to log files.
Example: >>F:\backup\backupall.log 2>&1
13. Click <Next>.
14. Check the task settings, and if they are correct, click <Finish>.
Settings for Periodic Execution of Differential Backup
Specify settings so that a differential backup is taken periodically.
This section describes an example of a setup procedure for saving a differential backup every hour.
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