- Time
This column displays the date and time at which each data sample was collected.
Within data lines, the entry corresponding to this column is displayed in the following format: "
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
": Year, "
": Month, "
": Date, "
": Hours:Minutes:Seconds). The time is displayed according to the time
zone set in the admin server operating system.
part displays the name of the selected target.
part displays the following data types:
- Power (W) is shown as "power"
- Average Power (W) as "power-average"
- Energy (Wh) as "energy"
- Data lines
Each data line contains data values corresponding to each of the column titles shown in the header line.
A hyphen ("-") is displayed for any data that could not be collected.
- Regardless of the specified power monitoring target, the data held within Resource Orchestrator that fits the conditions given for the
selected time span and rate will be exported.
- Depending on the statuses of specified power monitoring targets, the data corresponding to the specified time span and rate may not
have been collected.
In this case, a hyphen ("-") will be displayed for any data that could not be collected.
Hyphens can be displayed when data was collected from another power monitoring target (including a deleted one) at the same
collection time, and data was not collected from the specified power monitoring target.
No data is collected from servers on which ServerView Agents is not running. In this case, missing data is shown using hyphens ("-").
- When power consumption data is exported, if the latest data is being collected at that point, some data may be shown using hyphens
- If the "Finest sampling" "rate" is selected in the [Export Environmental Data (
)] dialog, the power and average
power values will be equal for each data sample.
- If a "rate" other than "Finest sampling" has been selected in the [Export Environmental Data (
)] dialog,
values for each sample are displayed as follows. If data was collected at the displayed sample time, that value is displayed. If no data
was collected at the displayed sample time, the last data collected in the time interval between that sample and the previous sample
will be displayed.
- The energy (Wh) value of a finest sample is calculated under the assumption that the power value (W) collected for the sample stayed
at the same value until the next sampling (in other words it is assumed that power values (W) do not vary during the duration of the
polling interval).
- Only daily average data can be collected from blade chassis.
- Data collected from servers does not include power consumed by storage blades.
- For rates other than "Finest sampling", the energy value is calculated as the sum of energy samples. In such cases, the energy value
of samples for which no data could be collected will be deemed to be 0.
- The average power (W) of each sample is calculated from the energy value (Wh) of that sample and its corresponding time interval.
12.4 Displaying Power Consumption Data Graphs
For details of how to display graphs of power consumption data, refer to "13.2 Displaying Power Consumption Data Graphs" in the "User's
Guide for Infrastructure Administrator (Resource Management) CE".
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