
2. Set access privileges for users connected with the database, for the directory.
[Windows Manager]
>cacls D:\basebackup\Charging /T /E /G rcxctdbchg:F <RETURN>
>cacls E:\walbackup\Charging /T /E /G rcxctdbchg:F <RETURN>
[Linux Manager]
# chown -R rcxctdbdhg:rcxctdbchg /basebackup <RETURN>
# chown -R rcxctdbdhg:rcxctdbchg /walbackup <RETURN>
3. Copy (move) files from the existing directory to the new directory.
[Windows Manager]
>xcopy c:\Fujitsu\ROR\RCXCTMG\backup\data\* D:\basebackup\ /E /H /K /X <RETURN>
>xcopy c:\Fujitsu\ROR\RCXCTMG\backup\wal\* E:\walbackup\ /E /H /K /X <RETURN>
[Linux Manager]
# cp -pR /var/opt/FJSVctchg/backup/data/* /basebackup/. <RETURN>
# cp -pR /var/opt/FJSVctchg/backup/wal/* /walbackup/. <RETURN>
4. Modify the operational settings file for the database.
Change the settings for the following operational settings file for each database cluster:
[Windows Manager]
Change as follows:
- Setting before Change
archive_command = 'copy "%p" "C:\\Fujitsu\\ROR\\RCXCTMG\\backup\\wal\\Charging\\%f"' #
command to use to archive a logfile segment
- Setting after Change
archive_command = 'copy "%p" "E:\\walbackup\\Charging\\%f"' # command to use to archive a
logfile segment
Use "\\" as a delimiter.
[Linux Manager]
- Setting before Change
archive_command = 'cp "%p" "/var/opt/FJSVctchg/backup/wal/%f"' # command to use to archive a
logfile segment
- Setting after Change
archive_command = 'copy "%p" "E:\\walbackup\\Charging\\%f"' # command to use to archive a
logfile segment
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