cards 33
expense entries 45
notes 40
Unlinking files 56
Updating links 56
Upgrading to Sidekick 95 51
cardfiles, cards 31, 32
connectivity help messages 51
demonstration 10
full titles of menu items 31, 38
help messages 10
note folders, notes 38, 39
Volume control 6
Weekly (Calendar) View 24, 25
World clock
setting 17
swapping with Home clock 19
Write files (Windows 95) 62, 66
Templates (cardfiles) 30
Testing BOOKMAN/PC connection
53, 65
Time zones
setting Home clock by 16
setting World clock by 17
Time/date format 10, 18
To Do items 22, 23, 26
Transfer Databases dialog box 60
Transferring files 60, 61
calendar entries 61
Sidekick 95 notes 62
Trimming the schedule 27
Troubleshooting (connectivity soft-
ware) 64
Tutorial 10
accents 12, 26
decimals in Calculator 47
hyphens 5
letters 12
letters in Calculator 48
math symbols 47
monetary symbols 12
negative numbers in Calculator 47
numbers 12, 47
punctuation marks 12
special characters 12