Highlighting Search Words
Searching for Words
If You Misspell a Search Word
If you enter a misspelled search
word, a list of corrections appears.
Use to highlight a correction
and then press
Searching for Parts of Words
If you want to find prefixes, suf-
fixes, or other parts of words, type
an asterisk in place of the missing
letters. For example,
then press
. To type an as-
terisk, hold
and press
? *
Then highlight a match and press
to search for it.
You can also search for words by
highlighting a word in a health topic
or drug profile.
1. At the text of any health topic
or drug profile, press
Notice the highlight. To turn off
the highlight, press
2. Use the arrow keys to high-
light a word.
3. Press
to search for it.
4. Press
again to see the
first match.
5. Hold
and press
edly to see the Outline
locations of the next matches.
6. Press
to see the menu
items with matches.
7. Press
when done.