A frame greater than the maximum legal size (greater
than 1518 bytes) with a good or bad frame check
sequence. In general, you should not see jabbers. The
most likely causes of jabbers are a faulty NIC/driver or
perhaps a cabling problem.
Variability in latency, or delay. If a network provides
varying levels of latency (i.e., different waiting times) for
different packets or cells, it introduces jitter, which is
particularly disruptive to audio communications because it
can cause audible pops and clicks.
LAN (Local Area Network)
A physical network technology used over short distances
(up to a few thousand meters) to connect many
workstations and network devices using a communication
standard (Token Ring or Ethernet, for example).
Late Collision
A collision that occurs after the first 64 bytes in a frame.
In 10BASE-T networks, late collisions will be seen as
frames with a bad FCS. Causes of Late Collisions are a
faulty NIC or a network that is too long. A too-long
network is one in which the end-to-end signal propagation
time is greater that the minimum legal sized frame.
One of seven levels in the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model. See OSI.
Link Pulse
A single-bit test pulse that is transmitted at least every
150 milliseconds during idle periods on 10BASE-T link
segments to verify link integrity.
Manufacturer Prefix
The standard partial address used to identify a particular
manufacturer. The prefix of the address is predefined
uniquely for each manufacturer, while the remainder of
the address uniquely identifies the station.
Master Browser
The Master Browser maintains the browse list, a list of
all servers in the master browser’s domain or workgroup.
Millions of bits per second. See BPS.
Packets that are directed to a group of nodes rather than
to a single node or all nodes. This is contrasted to a
broadcast packet, which is directed to all nodes.