Driver Manual
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 262-6611 fax: (408) 262-9042
Visit our website: www.sierramonitor.com E-mail: sierra@sierramonitor.com
Page 34
6.2 Related Documents
The driver as specified in this manual is based on Data Aire Poll and Response Protocol
Revision 3.2 dated 4 Nov 1997.
The driver is compliant with a later release of the specification Revision 3.7 - 21 JUN
6.3 Troubleshooting Tips
6.3.1 Bad Values
In the event that the driver cannot correctly decode the raw bytes it will generally write an value
which indicates bad data. In most cases the indicating value is -1 or 65535 (depending on data
type). When setting bits for status fields the driver will not write new data to the array if the
incoming byte is invalid. Look in the error log for indication of this type of problem.
Example. Valid ASCII digits are 0..9,A..F. If a byte is being parsed and an hex digit is expected
but not found then the driver considers this an errors and writes the bad value indication OR
produces an error message when the bad value indication cannot be used.
6.3.2 Dead Nodes
When a node is absent or dies it is possible that the Dart may go idle and stop communicating
with all other nodes. This problem is not related to the driver but to the Data Aire devices.
6.3.3 Ignored Messages
The driver reports ignored messages. These are messages sent by a DAP/DART for which the
driver cannot find a map descriptor to store the message. This does not mean the driver is not
working. It means that a message which contains data that the driver/you are not interested in is
being discarded.
The current version of the driver ignores a few messages relating to the status of the DART
device. Later versions of the driver will be capable of storing these messages and the number of
ignored messages will decrease.