Driver Manual
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 262-6611 fax: (408) 262-9042
Visit our website: www.sierramonitor.com E-mail: sierra@sierramonitor.com
Page 31
6.1.7 Advanced Map Descriptor: Example 4 - Using the 'DA_Assoc' parameter.
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_name, Address, Length, DA_Func, DA_Field, DA_Assoc, Scan_Interval
A1, DA_AI3, 0, rdbc, Node_A, 0, 1 , dap80-menu, All , 1 ,5
A2, DA_AI3, 1, passive, Node_A, 0, 1 , dap80-menu, alrm_delay_1, 1 ,5
A3, DA_AI3, 2, passive, Node_A, 0, 1, dap80-menu, alrm_delay_2, 1 ,5
A4, DA_AI3, 3, passive, Node_A, 0, 1 , dap80-menu, alrm_delay_3, 1 ,5
A8, DA_AI4, 0, wrbc, Node_A, 0, 1 , dap80-menu, nom_h_setpt, 2 ,5
A9, DA_AI4, 1, passive, Node_A, 0, 1 , dap80-menu, t_setpt , 2, 5
passive map
descriptors to
extract other data
fields from the
same read.
the passive's.
passive to the
same node. This
two fields, the
and the t_setpt.
The write map
desc. Must
precede the
the passives with the
correct active map
Thus Map Descriptors
A2,3,4 are associated
with A1 because the
value of DA_Assoc=1
for all these map
Thus Map
associated with A8
because the value of
DA_Assoc=2 for both
these map descriptors.
confusion for
the FieldServer
because the
node and the
DA_Func's are
the same for all
the map
Solve this
problem using