Driver Manual
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Page 32
6.1.8 Map Descriptor: Example 5 - Using a special / diagnostic command.
Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name , Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_name, Address, Length, DA_Func,
A1, 1.0s, UNUSED_ARRAY, 0 , wrb , No_node, 0, 1 , All-Listen,
is sent only
once. If you
need to do this
change this to a
be associated with
not be used. It
may be any data
Must connect this map descriptor to a node whose node_id is
zero. For example.
Node_Name, Node_ID, Protocol, Port
Unit1, 0, Daire, R1
/ dianostic
command. It
causes a one
byte message to
be sent.