
6622 Pentatonic Delight
6624 Rock Vocals Rack
6626 Sampled Drums Rack
6628 Tale From The Bulge
6623 Psychedelic Vocals
6625 Searing Lead
6627 Tablas Baba
6629 1980s Rack
6710 B-vox Delays+verb
6711 B-vox Pitch+verb
6712 DualVoxProcess
6713 Phased Voxverb
6714 Proximityverb
6715 Vocal Chorusdelays
6716 VocalverbTwo
6717 Voice Disguise
6718 Voice Processor
6719 Vox Double+Slap
6720 Vox Shimmer
6721 Voxplate / Chorus
6722 VoxProcess_S
6810 CreamyVocoderAlpha
6811 CreamyVocoderBeta
6812 GravelInMyThroat
6814 Mobius8translate
6813 Logan's Box
6815 Soundwave
6816 Voder 13
6910 80s Guitar Rig
6911 Asbakwards
6912 Brain Loops
6913 Dynamic Worm
6914 Flaedermaus
6915 Ghosties
6916 Liquid Sky
6917 PolySwirl Tap
6918 September Canons
6919 SmearCoder
6920 ToddsPedalShiftVerb
7010 Empty Program
7011 Inter-DSP Receive
7012 Inter-DSP Send
7013 Interface Modules
7014 Patch Instruct
7015 Tempo Dly_Lfo Jig
7016 Tempo_Verb Jig
7017 TimerDly Jig
7018 X-DSP Contr Receive
7019 X-DSP Contr Send
7110 Airplane Background
7111 Clock Radio
7112 Fries With That?
7113 Office Intercom
7114 Sound Truck
7115 Talking Dashboard
7210 Bullhorn
7211 CB Radio
7212 Cellular Phone
7213 Crazy Dialer
7214 Long Distance
7215 Megaphone
7216 More's Code
7217 Off Hook!
7218 Public Address
7219 Real Dialer
7220 Shortwave Radio
7221 Traffic Report
7310 Ducked Delays
7311 Easy Chorus
7312 Easy Phaser
7313 Long Delay W/Loop
7410 Basic Stereo Echo
7411 Big Church
7412 Classroom
7413 Crypt Echo
7414 Infinite Corridor
7415 Kitchen Reverb
7416 Plate Reverb
7417 Tape Reverb
7418 Tile Men's Room
7419 Union Station Verb
7510 Big Movie
7511 Boom Box
7512 Fake Call-in
7513 Page Three!
7514 Real Call-in
7515 TV In Next Room
7516 45 RPM Oldie
7610 Cousin It
7611 Cussing It
7612 Elves
7613 Fantasy Backgrounds
7614 Magic Echo
7615 Morph To Magic
7616 Singing Mouse
7617 Trolls
7710 Backwards
7711 Can't Carry Tune
7712 Dynamic Stereo
7713 Go Crazy
7714 Plug Puller Pro
7715 Round & Round
7716 Solo Zapper Pro
7810 Awfultones
7811 Brightener
7812 Easy Timesqueeze
7813 Hiss Eliminator
7814 Hum Eliminator
7815 Sfx Filter/Compress
7816 Simple Compressor
7817 Simple Equalizer
7818 Stereo Simulator
7819 Stereo Spreader
7820 Super Punch
7821 1 KHz Oscillator
7822 Three Band Compress
7910 Artoo Chatter
7911 C3P-Yo!
7912 Lasers!
7913 Martian Rock Band
7914 Robot Band
7915 Theremin
7916 Tribbles
8010 `Max' Stutter
8011 Big Voice Pro
8012 Chipmunks
8013 Doubletalk
8014 Fast Voice Process
8015 Mega-Dragway
8016 Nervous Talker
8017 Triplets
8018 Voice Process Pro
8019 We're A Big Crowd
8020 We're A Small Crowd
H8000 Presets by Number