46 Reverbs - Preverb
Useful reverbs and spaces design tools are offered here. Diffusors, early reflections and multi-tap delays
are available here to show off many of the structures used in the reverb presets. Use them in your
personal algorithm building experiments.
4610 EarlyRefections 96 2,2
{D} Although delays only, these four parallel delays used to place source in space. Stereo in, stereo out.
4611 LatticeArray 96 2,2
[S] Stereo lattice array. Pos and neg outs create wide field. Here set up as a tonal diffusor. Stereo in, stereo out.
4612 Preverberator 96 2,2
{RDY} Input is delayed .5 to 1.2 sec while repeats grow and echo. All fx fade out once input hits threshold. Good pre-
echo for sound effects or music. Switch-able in, stereo out.
4613 SimpleDiffusor 96 2,2
{RE} Stereo diffusion with simple controls. Stereo in, stereo out.
4614 Slap Nonlinear 96 2,2
{RDE} A slapback where the echo is really a clump of diffused echoes with EQ. Mono in, stereo out.
4615 StereoDiffusor 96 2,2
{R} Diffusion is the spatter pattern prior to reverb. This is a good place to experiment with room and imaging issues,
without the complexity of a full verb. Stereo in, stereo out.
4616 Ultratap 1 96 2,2
4617 Ultratap 2 96 2,2
[S]{RD} An extended ultratap via easytaps. Summed in, stereo out.
47 Reverbs - Rooms
Larger than small spaces and yet curiously smaller than halls, this bank offers rooms and some
chambers. These are emulations of real and imaginary environments. Room reverbs are typically used
when more ambience is needed than the “small rooms” can offer and where a natural sound is wanted,
without a distinct “reverb” effect being audible. These reverbs are also useful for adding a stereo
depth-of-field to a mono source.
4710 Big Room 96 2,2
{R}(TT) Sounds pretty close to a large recording studio room. Stereo in, stereo out.
4711 Blue Box Verb 96 2,2
{PR}(TT) Medium size, and medium-bright room. Stereo in, stereo out.
4712 Bob's New Room 96 2,2
{RDE} Large, warm hall built of discrete delays, diffusors, and plexes. Summed in, stereo out.
4713 Denny's Echoroom 96 2,2
{RD}(TT) With two discrete delay lines we cause interesting reflections in this dense room. Stereo in, stereo out.
4714 Der Verb 96 2,2
{RD}(TT) Basic designed room. Stereo in, stereo out.
4715 Drews Dense Room 96 2,2
[VDK]{RD}(TT) Warm example of a straightforward stereo reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
4716 Funny Gated Room 96 2,2
{RE} A dynamic reverb with headroom, gate & envelope filter built in. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 71 of 109 12/30/2003