325 Octal Delays 48 8,8
325 Octal Delays 96 || 8,8
{D} Simple octal delays with common controls. Octal in, octal out.
326 Quad Delays 96 4,4
{D} Simple quad delays. Quad in, quad out.
327 Octal Moddelays 96 8,8
{DM} Eight modulating delay lines with individual delay controls. Octal in, octal out.
328 Simple Moddelays 96 4,4
{DM} Four modulating delay lines. Quad in, quad out.
329 Simple Sampler 96 2,2
{S} Basic single-take 85 second sampler. Stereo in, stereo out.
330 4*10 Grafic Eq 96 4,4
{E} Four channel ten band. Choose freq, bandwidth (in octaves), as well as levels (in dB) <Mast> is added to the
boost. Quad in, quad out.
331 8*10 Grafic Eq 48 8,8
331 8*10 Grafic Eq 96 || 8,8
{E} Eight channel ten band. Choose freq, bandwidth (in octaves), as well as levels (in dB) <Mast> is added to the
boost. Octal in, octal out.
332 O*10 Grafic Eq 48 8,8
332 O*10 Grafic Eq 96 || 8,8
{E} Octal 10 Band equalizer with common controls. Choose freq, bandwidth (in octaves), as well as levels (in dB).
<mast> is added to the boost. Octal in, octal out.
333 Q*10 Grafic Eq 96 4,4
{E} Quad 10 Band. Choose freq, bandwidth (in octaves), as well as levels (in dB) <mast> is an offset added to the
boost. Quad in, quad out.
334 O*5 Grafic Eq 96 8,8
{E} Octal 5 Band equalizer with common controls. Choose freq, bandwidth (in octaves), as well as levels (in dB).
<mast> is added to the boost. Octal in, octal out.
4 Beatcounter
These presets are based on a beat counter algorithm. Feed the left channel with the source you want to
delay and the right channel with the time setting source, e.g. a snare drum. The unit will calculate the
timing and ignore all figures like rolls and fills played in between. For panners and choruses the
calculated time is converted into a frequency rate.
410 Gaspodes Dly_2 96 3,2
411 Gaspodes Dly_M 96 2,2
412 Gaspodes Dly_S 96 2,2
{DME} Delays, based on beat counter math.- see also in 'general descriptions. 1st input is used for trigger 2nd input
feeds 1st delay - out1. 3rd input feeds 2nd delay - out2. Start hitting 'expert' menu, 'out status' switches the trigger
channel to first output so you can monitor and adjust the gate. Dual mono in, stereo out.
413 Gaspodes Pndly_D 96 3,4
{DMEY} 1st input is used for trigger 2nd input feeds 1st dly/pan1 - out1,2 3rd input feeds 2nd dly/pan2 - out3,4 2 delays
feed different panners, based on beat counter math.- see also in 'general descriptions'. Start hitting 'expert' menu and
switch 'out status' to monitor and adjust the gate. Dual mono in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 21 of 109 12/30/2003