Configuration and Management
2.6.5 Whitelist
The Whitelist is a list of up to 20 WLAN client MAC (Media Access Control)
addresses that are allowed to access the Ericsson W20. A MAC address is
the unique hardware number of a device. It has the form of
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where x is either a letter A – F or a number.
To find out about the MAC address of a PC using Microsoft Windows, open
a command prompt and type ipconfig
/all. A list of system properties
is displayed. The MAC address is found on the Physical
Address row.
To add a client to the whitelist, type the MAC address of the client in the
Whitelist field on the Wireless LAN page and click Add .
Click Apply to save the settings.
2.7 DHCP Server
The Ericsson W20 incorporates a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) server that assigns dynamic IP addresses to local clients. The IP
addresses are collected from a predefined range of available addresses.
The default address range is suitable for most local networks.
The DHCP server uses the concept of a "lease”, that is the amount of time
that a given IP address will be valid for a specific device. If the lease time
expires and the device is still connected, the lease is automatically
Figure 28 DHCP Server page
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