Configuration and Management
WEP Encryption Key
The WEP encrypted data can only be sent and received by users with
access to a private encryption key. This means that each device on your
wireless network has to be configured with the same key as the Ericsson
W20 in order to allow encrypted data transmissions.
A 64-bit data encryption key includes 10 characters. A 128-bit data
encryption key includes 26 characters. Only the hexadecimal numbers 0 to
9 and letters A to F are allowed.
Fill in the Pass
phrase / Key field on the Wireless LAN: WEP-64 page or
the Wireless LAN: WEP-128 page. Click Next to proceed.
WPA/WPA2 Pass Phrase
WPA and WPA2 authentication and encryption require a pass phrase. Each
device on your wireless network has to be configured with the same pass
phrase as the Ericsson W20. The encryption master key is derived from the
pass phrase and the network name (SSID) of the device.
On the Wireless
LAN: WPA or Wireless LAN: WPA2 page, type a unique
pass phrase in the Pass
phrase / Key field. A WPA or WPA2 pass phrase
is case sensitive and consists of between 8 and 63 characters. It is
recommended that the pass phrase contains at least 20 characters. Click
Next to proceed.
Confirming Settings
On the last page of the Configuration Wizard, the Internet and Wireless
LAN settings are displayed:
Figure 21 Confirm page
Check the information on this page and click Finish to confirm the
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