Configuration and Management
If three attempts have been made with the wrong PIN, the SIM card is
blocked. The PUK is required to unblock the card. Click the Unlock SIM
link. The Unlock
SIM page is displayed:
Figure 7 Unlock SIM page
Type the PUK in the PUK field and type a new PIN in the New
PIN and
Retype new PIN fields. Click OK . The Overview page is displayed.
Note: If ten attempts have been made with the wrong PUK, the SIM card
is permanently blocked. A new SIM card is required.
An APN (Access Point Name) is a reference to the Internet access point on
the service provider’s network. It usually has the format
<name.service_provider.country>. Different APNs for the GSM (2G) and
UMTS (3G) networks may be required.
Figure 8 WAN Access: APN page
Type the APN(s) in the APN
(2G) and APN (3G) fields on the WAN
Access: APN page. Click Next to proceed.
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