Annex B
Parameter Specification
DVB-S Phase noise tolerance
SSB phase-noise power spectral density < -68
– 10*log(Rs/20) dBc/Hz at δF = 10 kHz offset
Phase noise power spectral density of the form
C – 20*Log(δF)
δF = Frequency offset from carrier
Rs = Symbol-rate (Msymbol/s)
DVB-S2 Phase noise tolerance
-25 dBc/Hz at δF = 100 Hz
-50 dBc/Hz at δF = 1 kHz
-73 dBc/Hz at δF = 10 kHz
-93 dBc/Hz at δF = 100 kHz
-103 dBc/Hz at δF = 1 MHz
-114 dBc/Hz at δF > 10 MHz
LNB power and control See Table B.14
Table B.12 shows the Eb/No requirements for DVB-S and Table B.13 for DVB-S2
Es/No requirements to ensure error-free demodulation for all supported FEC rates.
Table B.12 DVB-S2 Satellite Input – DVB-S Eb/No Ratio
Convolutional FEC
Eb/No Ratio (dB) in IF Loop for correct MPEG-2
system operation
1/2 4.5
2/3 5.0
3/4 5.5
5/6 6.0
7/8 6.4
Eb/No ratio is referred to user bit rate Ru188. See EN 300 421 specification. For
more detailed specification information and advice on performance in specific
applications, please contact Ericsson Customer Services.
These specifications apply in the presence of thermal noise at the threshold Eb/N
ratio given in Table B.12
These specifications apply in the presence of thermal noise at the threshold Es/No ratio given in Table B.13 and assume a degradation to
the thermal noise performance of 0.3 dB.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A