Chapter 5
4. If the MSD license is selected, and service filter mode is set to ‘Multiservice’ in
the Output tab, the services to be fitted can be added by ticking the filter
5. If service filter mode is set to ‘Remap’ in the Output tab, service PIDs may be
remapped by selecting ‘remap config’ under PID info. New PIDs for each
available components may be entered on the ‘Remap to PID’ box.
Other details about the service are available by hovering over the relevant table
column. Information is presented as a tooltip.
Any changes which are made to the Service Plus page may be confirmed by
selecting the Apply Changes button. Selecting the Refresh button will ensure that
the latest information is being displayed from the current values of the equipment.
5.2.11 Decode
This page allows access to the video, audio and decoding functions of the receiver.
To view this page, select the Decode tab from the top of the current page.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A