Chapter 5
• Derandomizer – checking this box enables the Derandomizer function.
User-editable fields in the Advanced Section:
• MPEG – allows the selection of the input mode from a drop-down menu.
• Sync Cnt to Lock – allows the user to input an appropriate value.
• Sync Miss Limit – allows the user to input an appropriate value.
• Destuffing – checking this box enables the destuffing function.
• Man Pkt Length Ctrl - checking this box enables this function.
Any changes which are made to the Input page may be confirmed by selecting the
Apply Changes button. Selecting the Refresh button will ensure that the latest
information is being displayed from the current values of the equipment.
5.2.10 Service Plus
This page allows access and editing of the various encryption and encoding
services available to the receiver.
To view this page, select the Service Plus tab from the top of the current web page.
Figure 5.26 Service Plus Web Page
In the Service Control Table the only fields which may be edited by the user are the
Decrypt and Decode checkboxes. Further details of the PID Info can be viewed by
placing the cursor over the word Details.
To edit the service selection:
1. Go to the Output tab page to select a filter mode, a bit rate type and desired bit
rate, if in CBR mode.
2. Choose a service to decode by placing a tick in the relevant Decode checkbox.
Note: This equipment is a single-service Decoder. Only 1 box may be selected by
placing as tick in the Decode checkbox.
3. If decryption is required place a tick in the relevant Decrypt checkbox. If MSD
license is selected, more than one MSD checkbox can be selected.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A