320 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
NE 53 History
3/2007 7.00 Software expansion 20001266C
Added flow switch to selection list for discrete output assignment
Added ability to configure discrete output fault indication
Added several HART and Modbus commands
Added ability to restore the factory configuration
Added ability to restore the factory zero value
Added alarm event log
Added ability to write protect configuration data
Added new items to selection list for mA output source assignment
Range values for mA output stored separately for each process
Expanded custody transfer application for independent
implementation of NTEP and OIML compliance
Expanded custody transfer (OIML) features to include configurable
approval of discrete batcher, enhanced density, API, and process
monitor applications; added ability to mark OIML-approved process
variables with asterisks, added display of firmware checksum of core
processor and transmitter, added display of W&M version number,
expanded discrete output source selection to include PPI Display
Error, added configurable password protection of alarms menu
Added ability to configure the display update rate
Printer output expanded to include alarm event history
Expanded HART command 33 to include frequency input raw
Added ability to use discrete input to inhibit flow measurement by
discrete batcher
Added active enhanced density curve to selection list for process
monitor display variables
Added discrete events for Model 3300 controller
Added core processor ETO number to applications list on display
Added ability to configure Loop Current Mode
Added ability to configure text strings used to identify totals and
Added 304 Stainless Steel to selection of sensor material
Table L-1 Series 3000 device software change history continued
Changes to software