Configuration and Use Manual 103
Configuring Digital Communications
Configuring Custody Transfer StartupConfiguring TicketsConfiguring Digital Communications
13.4.1 Loop current mode
Loop current mode is used to fix or unfix the mA output:
• If Loop Current Mode is disabled, the mA output is fixed at 4 mA, and therefore cannot be
used to report process data.
• If Loop Current Mode is enabled, the mA output will report process data as configured.
13.4.2 Burst mode
Burst mode (or HART burst mode) is a specialized mode of communication during which the
Series 3000 device regularly broadcasts process variable data over the primary mA output, using
HART protocol. The Burst Command parameter allows you to specify the content and format of the
process variable data.
Burst mode is ordinarily disabled, and should be enabled only if another device on the network
requires HART burst mode communication.
Burst command Transmitter vars Specify the type of information that will be broadcast via burst mode. Select
• Primary variable – The Series 3000 device repeats the primary variable
, in measurement units, in each burst (e.g., 14.0 g/s, 13.5 g/s, 12.0 g/s).
• PV & pct range – The device sends the PV’s percent of range and the PV’s
actual mA level in each burst (e.g., 25%, 11.0 mA).
• Dyn vars & Pct range – The device sends PV, SV, TV, and quaternary variable
(QV) values in measurement units and the PV’s actual milliamp reading in
each burst (e.g., 50 lb/min, 23 °C, 50 lb/min, 0.0023 g/cm
, 11.8 mA).
• Transmitter vars – In each burst, the device sends the four process variables
configured for burst variables 1–4.
Burst variable 1
Mass flow rate • Specifies the process variable to be broadcast in position 1.
• Select the desired process variable from the list.
Burst variable 2
Temperature • Specifies the process variable to be broadcast in position 2.
• Select the desired process variable from the list.
Burst variable 3
Density • Specifies the process variable to be broadcast in position 3.
• Select the desired process variable from the list.
Burst variable 4
Mass total • Specifies the process variable to be broadcast in position 4.
• Select the desired process variable from the list.
(1) If HART protocol is configured for RS-485, Polling Address in RS-485 menu and Polling Address in Bell 202 menu are duplicates.
See Section 13.3.1.
(2) See Section 13.4.1.
(3) See Section 13.4.2.
(4) The primary variable (PV) is the process variable reported via the primary mA output (MAO1). The secondary variable (SV) is the
process variable reported via the secondary mA output (MAO2). The tertiary variable (TV) is the process variable reported via the
frequency output. The quaternary variable (QV) is accessible via HART, and can be assigned through the Device Setup menu. See
Section 13.5.
(5) This parameter appears only if Transmitter Vars is specified for Burst Command.
Table 13-4 Bell 202 parameters continued
Variable Default Description