Configuration and Use Manual 161
Operation Mode – Custody Transfer
Operation Mode – Batch Totalizers and InventoriesOperation Mode – Custody TransferOperation Mode
mA output behavior Normal If reporting flow
rate, show zero flow
Otherwise, normal
Normal Perform configured
fault action
mA output trim N Y N Y
mA output loop test N Y N Y
Frequency output behavior Normal Inactive (produces
no pulses) even
under fault
Normal Perform configured
fault action
Frequency output loop test N N N Y
Discrete output behavior Normal Normal Normal Perform configured
fault action
Discrete output loop test N Y N Y
Service port connections N Y
If device is secured
while service port
connection is active,
terminals are reset
to RS-485 mode
and connection is
If device is secured
while service port
connection is active,
terminals are reset
to RS-485 mode
and connection is
Table 19-1 Series 3000 behavior and available functions continued
Custody transfer (NTEP)
Custody transfer (OIML) and
custody transfer (OIML/batch)
Function Secured Unsecured Secured Unsecured