
Monitor: Remote Host Commands
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
Note: If you download from a UNIX host in binary format, be sure to disable the host from mapping <cr> to <cr-lf>.
The download port is specified in the nonvolatile memory configuration.
provides an interface to UNIX® through the board by connecting the console to a down-
load port. A null modem cable might be necessary for the connection.
Several key sequences are used to leave transparent mode and to initiate a download:
This command uses software FIFOs to buffer characters between the two systems. This
seems to work reasonably well for most processors, but can lose characters if large num-
bers of characters are displayed. In general, the only complete solution is to use serial inter-
rupts rather than polling. Since this is not likely to happen, be aware that the transmode
command will allow execution of commands without problems, but may have problems if
text editing is attempted.
Example: If the host is a UNIX system and you have a hex-Intel file called ‘foo.hex’ in a directory
‘foodir’ to download, you can use the following sequence:
=>PmT1 or PmE1[2.x] transmode
UNIXprompt>cd foodir
UNIXprompt>cat foo.hex
Press CTRL-@-Return.
{dots continue during download}
=>PmT1 or PmE1[2.x]
Configuring the Download Port
In this example, the NVRAM command nvdisplay changes fields in the Download group,
which contains fields for port selection, baud rate, parity, number of data bits, and number
of stop bits:
Note: A cable reverser might be necessary for the connection
1 At the monitor prompt, type:
2 Press <cr> until the Download group is displayed.
CTRL-@-RETURN Download S-record
CTRL-@-h Download hex-Intel
CTRL-@-m Download Motorola S-record
CTRL-@-b Download binary
CTRL-@-ESC Return to monitor