Monitor: Power-up/Reset Sequence
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
6 The countdown to autoboot begins if a boot device (BootDev) is specified. If you allow the
countdown finish, the selected device is booted. Reference page 8-7 for booting from
specific devices using the boot commands.
If you cancel configuration before the autoboot begins, the board is configured with the
default nonvolatile configuration, which is summarized in
Ta ble 8 -1 . The configuration
groups may be accessed with the NVRAM commands described on page 8-13.
Table 8-1: NVRAM Configuration Groups
Fields: Purpose:
Default: Optional Values:
Console and Download
Port Selects communications port. A (Console)
B (Download)
(A, B)
Baud Selects baud rate. 9600
Parity Selects parity type. None (Even, Odd, None, Force)
Data Selects the number of data bits for transfer. 8-Bits (5-Bits, 6-Bits, 7-Bits, 8-Bits)
StopBits Selects the number of stop bits for transfer. 1-Bit (1-Bit, 2-Bits)
ChBaudOnBreak Break character causes baud rate change. False (True, False)
RstOnBreak Break character causes reset (Download). False (True, False)
InstrCache Turn instruction cache on or off. On (On, Off)
DataCache Turn data cache on or off. Off (On, Off)
CacheMode Select cache mode type. Writethru (Copyback, Writethru)
PowerUpMemClr Clear memory on power-up. True (True, False)
ClrMemOnReset Clear memory on reset. False (True, False)
PowerUpDiags Run diagnostics on power-up. On (On, Off)
ResetDiags Run diagnostics on reset. Off (On, Off)
Bus Monitor Turn bus monitor on or off.
NOTE: Do not change this default setting.
Off (On, Off)
CountValue Choose shortest (0) to longest (7) duration for
autoboot countdown.
7 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
DoModConfig Module configuration. Sets the PlxBReqTmr and
PlxPciRetTmr values.
True (True, False)
PlxBReqTmr Select value of BReq timer in PLX register 0x94. 1 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15)
PlxPciRetTmr Select value of PCI target retry delay in PLX
register 0x98.
15 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15)
BootDev Select boot device. EPROM (None, Serial, ROM, Bus, EPROM)
LoadAddress Define load address. 0x40000