10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
Section 7
PMC/PCI Interface
The PmT1 and PmE1 module design complies with the Peripheral Component Interconnect
(PCI) bus interface standard and with the associated PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) mechanical
interface standard. The PmT1 and PmE1 modules must be attached to and controlled by a
PMC/PCI-compliant baseboard.
The PmT1 and PmE1 use the PLX Technology PCI9060ES interface controller to implement
the +5V PMC/PCI interface. The PMC/PCI interface features:
• Asynchronous operation between the local and PCI buses operating at up to 33.33 MHz
• Bi-directional bus locking
• Doorbell interrupts
• EEPROM power-on initialization
The PCI9060ES is controlled through registers that are accessible by the MPC860P and the
baseboard on which the PmT1 and PmE1 is mounted. The registers fall into four
groups: PCI Configuration registers, Local Configuration registers, Shared Runtime regis-
ters, and Local DMA registers. The local base address of these registers is C100,0000
. The
PCI base address of these registers is programmable.
The PCI9060ES registers are readable and writable in byte, word, or long-word accesses,
unless noted otherwise. See page 7-3 for a description of the Emerson-specific initialization
of these registers. For details on the bit fields and functionality of these registers refer to
the PCI9060ES data sheet.
PCI Configuration Registers
The PCI Configuration registers are also known as the “configuration header”. The configu-
ration header is accessed via configuration space. The registers map baseboard local mem-
ory, the Local Configuration, and Shared Runtime registers into the PCI memory map.
Table 7-1: PCI Configuration Registers
Local Bus
Address (hex)
PCI Offset
Address (hex):
Size: Register Name:
C100,0000 00 Word PCI Vendor ID register
C100,0002 02 Word PCI Device ID register
C100,0004 04 Word PCI Command register
C100,0006 06 Word PCI Status register
C100,0008 08 Byte PCI Revision ID register
C100,0009 09 3 Bytes PCI Class Code register