
AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
OEM Sensors Shm Fault Event (Emerson OEM)
3.1.6 Shm Fault Event (Emerson OEM)
This sensor reports the status of Fault Classes on the Active shelf. When the value is read it
indicates the presence or absence of each fault class. Currently defined fault classes relate to
the health of the FTMs in the shelf.
z Sensor Reading - This is a 2-byte bit mask of active fault conditions detected by the sensor.
A '1' in any bit indicates the specified fault is active. Refer to the following table for fault
z Current State Mask - 0x1FE - mask of possible fault event bits
z Events - For FTM-related faults, an event is generated when any FTM transitions into or
out of a fault condition. An event is flagged as an assertion event when at least one FTM
exhibits the fault class. It is flagged as a deassertion event when no FTMs remain with the
fault class.
Table 3-1 Shm Fault Classes
Class Meaning
0 Not used.
1 One or more fan trays are missing.
2 One or more fan trays' speed sensors are below critical threshold.
By default, all of a FTM's speed sensors must be below critical speed in order to declare a
fault at that FTM; however through a new configuration option in shelfman.conf, the
administrator can change the behavior to declare a fault if any speed sensor is critical.
3 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not show significant increase when the active shelf
manager asserts FULL_SPEED signal as part of the Fan Tray Latent Fault Check algorithm.
(Active FULL_SPEED test)
4 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not return to a normal speed following the release
of FULL_SPEED signal by the active shelf manager, as part of the Fan Tray Latent Fault
Check algorithm. (Active FULL_SPEED test)
5 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not show significant increase when the redundant
shelf manager asserts FULL_SPEED signal as part of the Fan Tray Latent Fault Check
algorithm. (Redundant FULL_SPEED test)
6 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not return to a normal speed following the release
of FULL_SPEED signal by the active shelf manager, as part of the Fan Tray Latent Fault
Check algorithm. (Redundant FULL_SPEED test)
7 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not show significant increase when the active shelf
manager increases the speed level to its maximum value as part of the Fan Tray Latent
Fault Check algorithm. (PSOC LFC test)
8 One or more fan trays' speed sensors do not return to a normal speed following the lowering
of the speed level by the active shelf manager, as part of the Fan Tray Latent Fault Check
algorithm. (PSOC test)