AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
The information in this reference guide support both Centellis 3406 and Centellis 3600
platforms. The differences between the two platforms are:
z The AXP1406 is a 14-slot shelf with 2 PEMs, 2 SAMs, and 8 FTMs.
z The AXP1600 is a 16-slot shelf with 2 PEMs, 2 SAMs, and 9 FTMs.
This guide provides FRU data and SDR for each AXP shelf. On the AXP1600 platform,
additional sensors are described for FTM FRU 9. All AXP1600 FRU data and sensor
information is clearly identified throughout this guide.
The AXP1406 and AXP1600 both have an Intelligent Peripheral Management Controller
(IPMC) which is fully compliant to the IPMI V1.5 specification. The IPMC provides access to on-
board Sensor Data Records (SDRs), Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) data, and furthermore
contains an event generator. Within this document you find a description of:
z Supported IPMI commands
z FRU States
z SDRs
z FRU data
For the last two items in the list, the default values are given for reference purposes if you want
to restore the factory values.
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices.
Chapter 1, Supported IPMI Commands, lists IPMI commands supported by the IPMC.
Chapter 2, FRU Information and Sensor Data Records, lists the PEM, FTM, and SAM1000
Shelf Manager FRU information, as well as sensors that are accessible via IPMI for both the
AXP1406 and AXP1600 shelves.
Chapter 3, OEM Sensors, lists the additional OEM sensors that are accessible via IPMI for both
the AXP1406 and AXP1600 shelves.
Appendix A, System Behavior in Response to Sensor Events, describes the shelf manager’s
cooling management and FRU state management for nonrecoverable threshold events.
Appendix B, Related Documentation, lists publications for blade and software products used
with the Centellis 3406 and 3600 platforms.