AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
FRU Information and Sensor Data Records Circuit Breaker State Sensors
Entity ID 0x0A Power Supply
Entity Instance 0x60
Rearm mode Auto
Event message control Entire Sensor only
Assertion Event Mask (bytes
0x02, 0x00
Deassertion Event Mask (bytes
0x02, 0x00
Discrete Reading Mask (bytes
19, 20)
0x03, 0x00 Supports 2 States
Reading Definition According to Pigeon Point
Table 2-150 Sensor No. 9 CB 5
Feature Raw Value/Description Interpreted Value
Sensor Name CB 5
Type of Measurement Monitors if the Circuit Breaker
has been opened.
Class Discrete
Event/Reading Type 0x03 'digital' Discrete
Sensor Type 0xC0 OEM-reserved
Sensor Owner LUN 0x00
Entity ID 0x0A Power Supply
Entity Instance 0x60
Rearm mode Auto
Event message control Entire Sensor only
Assertion Event Mask (bytes
0x02, 0x00
Deassertion Event Mask (bytes
0x02, 0x00
Discrete Reading Mask (bytes
19, 20)
0x03, 0x00 Supports 2 States
Reading Definition According to Pigeon Point
Table 2-149 Sensor No. 8 CB 4 (continued)
Feature Raw Value/Description Interpreted Value