
You can set URV below LRV. For example, you can set URV to 50 and LRV to 100.
The mA output uses a range of 4–20 mA or 0–20 mA to represent mA Output Process Variable.
Between LRV and URV, the mA output is linear with the process variable. If the process
variable drops below LRV or rises above URV, the transmitter posts an output saturation
Default values for Lower Range Value (LRV) and Upper Range
Value (URV)
Each option for mA Output Process Variable has its own LRV and URV. If you change the
configuration of mA Output Process Variable, the corresponding LRV and URV are loaded and
Default values for Lower Range Value (LRV) and Upper Range Value (URV)Table 6-2:
Process variable LRV URV
All mass flow variables –200.000 g/sec 200.000 g/sec
All liquid volume flow variables –0.200 l/sec 0.200 l/sec
Gas standard volume flow –423.78 SCFM 423.78 SCFM
Concentration 0% 100%
Baume 0 10
Specific gravity 0 10
6.1.3 Configure AO Cutoff
Not available
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Analog Output > Primary/Secondary Output > AO Cutoff
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Inputs/Outputs > mA Output 1 > mA Output Settings > MAO Cutoff
Configure > Manual Setup > Inputs/Outputs > mA Output 2 > mA Output Settings > MAO Cutoff
AO Cutoff (Analog Output Cutoff) specifies the lowest mass flow rate, volume flow rate, or
gas standard volume flow rate that will be reported through the mA output. Any flow rates
below AO Cutoff will be reported as 0.
AO Cutoff is applied only if mA Output Process Variable is set to Mass Flow Rate, Volume Flow Rate, or Gas
Standard Volume Flow Rate. If mA Output Process Variable is set to a different process variable, AO Cutoff is
not configurable, and the transmitter does not implement the AO cutoff function.
Integrate the meter with the control system
Configuration and Use Manual 87