2. Set the flow characterization parameters. Be sure to include all decimal points.
• For straight-tube sensors, set FCF (Flow Cal or Flow Calibration Factor), FTG, and FFQ.
• For curved-tube sensors, set Flow Cal (Flow Calibration Factor).
3. Set the density characterization parameters.
• For straight-tube sensors, set D1, D2, DT, DTG, K1, K2, FD, DFQ1, and DFQ2.
• For curved-tube sensors, set D1, D2, TC, K1, K2, and FD. (TC is sometimes shown
as DT.)
2.4.1 Sample sensor tags
Tag on older curved-tube sensors (all sensors except T-Series)Figure 2-1:
Tag on newer curved-tube sensors (all sensors except T-Series)Figure 2-2:
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8 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters