
configuring display behavior
Auto Scroll 68
backlight 69
display language 65
display precision 67
display variables 66
LED Blinking 69
Update Period (refresh rate) 68
configuring security
access to alarm menu 72
access to off-line menu 72
alarm password 72
off-line password 72
decimal notation 195
enabling or disabling operator actions
acknowledging all alarms 71
resetting totalizers 70
starting and stopping totalizers 70
exponential notation 195
floating-point values 195
menu codes 199
menu maps 202
optical switches 193
process variable codes 198
status LED states 159
documentation 4
drive gain
collecting data 186
troubleshooting 185, 186
electrical shorts
troubleshooting 188
enhanced density, See concentration measurement
enhanced events, See events
entrained gas, See density measurement, slug flow
configuring basic events 108
configuring enhanced events 109
Enhanced Event Action
configuring 109
options 110
event models 108
exponential notation, See display, exponential notation
external pressure, See pressure
Fault Action
affected by Fault Timeout 75
digital communications
discrete outputs 102
frequency outputs 96
mA outputs 90
Fault Timeout
configuring 75
effect on Fault Action 75
Field Communicator
device description (DD) 217
menu maps 218
overview 217, 218
startup connection 6
Floating-Point Byte Order 117
floating-point values, See display, floating-point values
flow damping
configuring 24
effect on volume measurement 24
interaction with added damping 25
Flow Direction
configuring 37
effect on digital communications 41
effect on discrete outputs 41
effect on frequency outputs 41
effect on mA outputs 38
effect on totalizers and inventories 42
options 38
troubleshooting 184
flow factor, See pressure compensation
flow switch 100
Frequency Factor 94
Frequency output
power source 92
frequency outputs
configuring 91
Fault Action
configuring 96
options 97
loop testing
using ProLink II 176
using the display 175
using the Field Communicator 178
maximum pulse width 95
configuring 93
options 93
process variable
configuring 92
options 93
Configuration and Use Manual 243