Configuration, Startup and Operation 45
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
TX IOB Parameter Name Unit Description
Y Y Maintenance 1 -- Alarm state: On/Off
2 Sensor Open, O2 T/C Open, O2 Temp Low, O2 Temp High,
O2 T/C Shorted, O2 T/C Reversed, Heater Failure, Burner Flameout
YYMaintenance 2 --
Alarm state: On/Off
Xmtr Disconnect, Cal Recommended, Cal Failed, Cell Imp High,
Probe Mismatch
YYAdvisory --
Alarm state:
Cal Changed, Htr Volt Low, Probe Changed, Low O2, Diffuser Warning
NYPrevious Alarms -- Previous Alarms (See Section 4, Troubleshooting)
NYAck Alarm Time
Days ago
Time stamp of the previous alarms last acknowledged.
YYDuty Cycle -- O2 heater duty cycle. Value between 0 and 1.
YYO2 Temp SP degC PID temperature set point
YYHeater Ramp Rate degC/s Heater ramp rate calculated in degree C per second.
YYOperating Status --
Device configuration: On/Off
Factory Mode, Flame Status (IO Board DIP Switch setting),
Auto Cal Device, Relay 1 Device, Relay 2 Device, AO Device
NYI/O States 1 --
I/O state: On/Off
Gas 1 Solenoid, Gas 2 Solenoid
NYI/O States 2 --
I/O state: On/Off
Flame Status In, Factory Mode, Relay1 Out, Relay2 Out,
YYXmtr EE Val -- Transmitter board nonvolatile memory diagnostic.
NYIOB EE Val -- I/O board nonvolatile memory diagnostic.
YYXmtr Restart -- Software restarts count for the Transmitter.
NYIOB Restart -- Software restarts count for the IO board.
YYHART | Device Rev -- HART Device Revision number.
YYTransmitter | Version -- Software version number for the Transmitter.
NYI/O Board | Version -- Software version number for the I/O board
YYTag -- Device tag: Up to 8 characters long.
YYSerial Number -- Probe serial number.
YYDevice ID -- Unique Device ID number. (HART)
YYPV -- Primary variable assignment: O
YYSV -- Secondary variable assignment: O
Temp (HART)
YYTV -- Third variable assignment: Cell Imp (HART)
YY4V -- Fourth variable assignment: O
Cell (HART)
NYPoll Address -- I/O board polling address
YYXmtr Address -- Transmitter board polling address
NYT90 Filter sec
Analog output T90 time. It represents the time to take a step change in
oxygen to reach 90% of the final value at the filter output.
NYLow O2 Alm SP % Low O2 alarm threshold.
NYO2 Cell Ref %
O2 sensor reference gas percentage. It allows using a sensor reference gas
other than air. (Parameter for Programmable Reference feature.)
NYHigh Temp Alm SP degC
High temperature alarm threshold. (Parameter for Extended Temperature
NYHeater SP --
Heater set point. (Parameter for Extended Temperature feature.)
0 = Normal (736C), 1 = Low (550C)
Table 3-5. Probe Parameters (2 of 4)