Configuration, Startup and Operation 39
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
• No – The Auto Advance Cal option is disabled. Test gas time and purge time will always
ollow the configured value.
Menu\Calibration\Diffuser\Diff Diagnostics
• Process – This is the sensor voltage output value at the start of the calibration. For the
“Proximity” and “Rate&Prox” modes of the plugged diffuser diagnostic algorithm, it will
be used to determine when the sensor has returned to the process measurement.
– The real-time sensor voltage output value during calibration .
• Step – The current step of the calibration process.
• Step Time – The time remaining for the current calibration step.
• Diag Step – The current step of the plugged diffuser diagnostic algorithm.
• Init Response – The time for the Initial response of the cell after the calibration test gas
is applied. Applies only when automatic calibration sequencing is utilized (as opposed to
manually applying calibration test gasses).
• Process Resp – Initial response back to the process after the calibration test gas is
removed (Tinitial). Applies only when automatic calibration sequencing is utilized (as
opposed to manually applying calibration test gasses).
• Rtn Process – Return to process time (Tfinal) which is also the actual purge time. This
may also be defined as the time it takes to get back to the initial "process" reading, or
the time for the "rate" of the sensor output change to reach near zero, or both depend-
ing on which mode of the diagnostic has been enabled.
• O2 Rate Change – The rate of change of the O
sensor output in mV/sec. This is used to
determine when calibration test gasses and the process measurement have settled.
Menu\Calibration\Diffuser\Diff T90
• 90% of the Rtn Process time. This is a quantitative measure of the diffuser pluggage.
Menu\Calibration\Diffuser\Purge Time %
• The plugged diffuser diagnostic operates during the purge cycle (the time after the last
calibration test gas is removed to give the process gas time to replace the calibration
test gas in the sensing cell). Purge time % is the return to process time as a % of the
configured Purge Time.
Menu\Calibration\Diffuser\Diff Warn
• None – This Diff Warn result will not produce a Diffuser Warning alarm. This result indi-
cates that the diffuser diagnostic has not detected anything to report to the user. This is
also the result after a power on reset or after acknowledging the Diffuser Warning alarm.
• Gas 1 no detect – Gas 1 was not detected at the sensing cell, indicating that Gas 1 is not
flowing or the Gas 1 calibration test gas is very close to the actual process value.
• Gas 2 no detect – Gas 2 was not detected at the sensing cell, possibly indicating that
Gas 2 is not flowing (with a significantly plugged diffuser) or the Gas 2 calibration test
gas value is nearly the same as Gas 1.
• Gas 1 unstable- The Gas 1 reading did not settle within the Gas Flow Time.
• Gas 2 unstable – The Gas 2 reading did not settle within the Gas Flow Time.
• Process No Detect – The process gas was not detected during the purge cycle, possibly
indicating that Gas 2 is not flowing or the Gas 2 calibration test gas is very close to the