
44 Configuration, Startup and Operation
ection 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation 6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual
December 2012 PN 51-6888Xi
TX IOB Parameter Name Unit Description
YYO2 %
Current oxygen concentration value (O2 %). The value should reflect
the last good O
value if it is in the “Lock” state during calibration.
YYO2 Temp degC Current O2 sensor temperature.
YYCJC Temp degC Current cold junction temperature.
NYBoard Temp degC Current electronic temperature measured at the I/O board.
YYO2 Cell mV Raw mV value for O2 sensor.
NYT/C Volt mV O2 T/C voltage.
YYCell Imp ohm Cell impedance/sensor resistance measured.
YYHeater V Heater voltage.
NYBottle Pressure1 psi Gas 1 bottle pressure. (Valid if device is configured for HSPS autocal.)
NYBottle Pressure2 psi Gas 2 bottle pressure. (Valid if device is configured for HSPS autocal.)
NYCell Pressure1 in H2O
Cell pressure measured while applying gas 1. (Valid if device is
configured for HSPS autocal.)
NYCell Pressure2 in H2O
Cell pressure measured while applying gas 2. (Valid if device is
configured for HSPS autocal.)
YYO2 AO mA Analog output value represents the O2 concentration measurement.
NYO2 AO % % Analog output percentage for O2 AO.
YYO2 Temp Max degC This is the highest O2 sensor temperature reached since last reset.
YYO2 Temp Max Time Days ago
Time stamp of the highest O
sensor temperature reached since
last reset.
YYTemperature | CJC Max decC
This is the highest temperature reached at the cold junction since
last reset.
Temperature | CJC Max
Days ago
Time stamp of the highest temperature reached at the cold junction
since last reset.
NYTemperature | Board Max degC
This is the highest temperature reached at the IO board since
last reset.
Temperature | Board Max
Days ago
Time stamp of the highest temperature reached at the IO board since
last reset.
YYVoltage | Heater Max degC This is the highest heater voltage reached since last reset.
YYVoltage | Heater Max Time Days ago Time stamp of the highest heater voltage reached since last reset.
YYVoltage | Cell Max degC This is the highest cell voltage reached since last reset.
YYVoltage | Cell Max Time
Days ago
Time stamp of the highest cell voltage reached since last reset.
Ramp Rate | Heater Max
degC This is the highest heater ramp rate reached since last reset.
Ramp Rate | Heater Max Time
Days ago Time stamp of the highest heater ramp rate reached since last reset.
YYOP Mode --
Device operating mode:
PO=Power up; WU=Warm Up (analog output is railed);
NM=Normal operation; CA=Calibrating (analog output can
be tracking or locked at last good value based on
"AO Tracks" configuration); AL=Alarm detected
(recoverable); SF=Alarm detected (non-recoverable)
YYActive Alarms -- Current Alarms (See Section 4, Troubleshooting)
YYDevice -- Alarm state
Y Y Failed -- Alarm state: On/Off
NV Memory Fail, Board Temp High, Factory Mode, Heater Ramp Rate
Table 3-5. Probe Parameters (1 of 4)