Chapter 5 Operating SCU 49
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
Table 5-6 Logic matrix used for configuring 8 dry contacts
Setting 0,1 Alarm SN Logic Alarm SN Logic Alarm SN
0 1 2 3 4 5
Dry Contact 0 0
Dry Contact 1 1
Dry Contact 2 2
Dry Contact 3 3
Dry Contact 4 4
Dry Contact 5 5
Dry Contact 6 6
Dry Contact 7 7
The format of PLC setting is AlarmPLC[A][B]=C.
Where, “A” is the row No., and “B” is the column No., and “C” is the value of the
matrix element. An example is shown in the following table:
Table 5-7 Example of PLC setting
PLC byte Byte description Function
AlarmPLC[3][0]=1 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 0 is 1. Use Dry Contact 3
AlarmPLC[3][1]=1 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 1 is 1. Alarm SN of Fuse 1 Blow up
AlarmPLC[3][2]=3 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 2 is 3. AND Logic
AlarmPLC[3][3]=2 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 3 is 2. Alarm SN of Fuse 2 Blow up
AlarmPLC[3][4]=3 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 4 is 3. OR Logic
AlarmPLC[3][5]=43 Elemant value of Row 3 and Column 5 is 43. Alarm SN of LLVD
For the above PLC setting: When alarms of “Fuse 1 Blow up” and “Fuse 2 Blow up”
occur at the same time, or LLVD occurs, dry contact 3 will output the alarm signal.
Relationship between PLC SN and Alarm:
Table 5-8 PLC SN and Alarm
0 Alarm Block Disabled for China Market, Enabled for rest of world
1 Load 1 Failure
2 Load 2 Failure
3 Load 3 Failure
4 Load 4 Failure
5 Load 5 Failure