Chapter 2 Installation 17
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
2.3 External Electrical Connection Interface
2.3.1 Connection Of Input Cables
The AC input terminals, SPD, rectifier AC input switch, PE bus and PE terminals
are illustrated in Figure 1-6. SPD is just adjacent to the AC input terminals and has
been connected in before delivery. PE bus is at the top of the MFU and is
connected to the DC Power Cabinet through screws. PE bus is connected PE
terminal through a cable.
Connection requirements
The AC mains is connected to the AC input terminals directly. There are 6 AC input
modes as shown in Table 2-2:
Table 2-2 AC input modes
Item Function unit Amount
3P+N/380V AC input
1P+N /220V AC input
L1+L2/220V AC input
3P/220V AC input
Terminals only - for individual rectifier AC feeds
AC distribution
2P MCB only - for individual rectifier AC feeds
Connection method
Strip the insulation layer of one end of the AC input cable, and then mounted the
cable end with an H terminal.
The cable mounted with an H terminal is shown in Figure 2-4.
H Terminal
AC Input Cable
Figure 2-4 Cable mounted with H terminal
After attaching the H terminal to the AC input cable, connect the AC input cable to
the AC input terminals as shown in Figure 2-5: