20 Chapter 2 Installation
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
2.3.2 Connection Of Load Cables
Loads are connected to the MCB with suitable capacity to avoid their failure to
function in the case of overload. The capacity of the MCBs is recommended to be
about 1.5 times of the peak value of the load capacity. The load circuit breakers are
shown in Figure 1-7. The circuit breakers can be ABB or CBI circuit breakers.
We take the CBI circuit breakers of 13mm for example to illustrate the load cable
connection, as shown in the Figure 2-10.
High-priority load busbar
Battery –48V busbar
load busbar
connected with
low-priority load
connected with
high-priority load
Figure 2-10 Connection of load cables
Explanation: the load MCBs and battery MCBs can be configured flexible according
to the actual requirements. Their setting range is shown in the following table.
Table 2-3 Configuration number of load MCBs and battery MCBs
Busbar type Max. load number Note
Battery -48V busbar 0~5
High-priority load busbar 0~19
Low-priority load busbar 0~28
Total number of the load should not
exceed 20 with 18mm-width MCB or
not exceed 28 with 13mm-width MCB.
Cable connection to MCB: strip the power cable end, crimp-connect the copper
core to an H terminal, See Figure 2-4 for the cable mounted with a H terminal. After
attaching the H terminal to the cable, insert the cable into the wiring hole of the
MCB, then tighten the screw to fix the copper core, as shown in Figure 2-11:
H terminal
Figure 2-11 Cable connection to MCB