CRADLEPOINT CBA750 | USER MANUAL Firmware ver. 1.9.0
6.3.6 Firmware Update via the USB
The CBA750 supports software upgrades via the USB port. A USB storage device (thumb drive) is preloaded with the new
software .bin file.
CradlePoint CBA750 Binary firmware file (i.e. u_CBA750_2010_03_23.bin) From:
4G Modem Binary firmware file (i.e. u_ modem _5_2_206.bin) From: http://www.cradlepoint.com/support/CBA750
CradlePoint CBA750
USB “Thumb drive” mass storage device formatted FAT or FAT32.
Router Firmware Update – USB Procedure:
Remove the date code from the binary file. Example: u_CBA750_2010_01_22.bin to u_CBA750.bin.
Copy the u_CBA750.bin file to the USB Thumb Drive. This must be in the root not in a folder.
Power on a CBA750 and wait for the POWER light to go solid green.
Plug-in the USB Thumb Drive into the USB port on the CBA750
The EC light will come on and blink while it is reading the binary file off the USB Thumb Drive
When the EC light goes solid for 3 seconds or more, pull the USB thumb drive.
At this point, the router will read the file, error check it and will load it. The router will reboot itself and will be
running the new firmware
NOTE: If the file is corrupt, the CBA750 will reboot and will not load the new firmware. It is recommend that when you
are doing these en mass, the first few are manually checked by logging into the router with a computer and going to, login with the default password, and then check the “Status” tab which will show the current router
firmware version. The default password is the last 6 character of the MAC address, which is located on a sticker on the
Modem File Update – USB Procedure:
Remove the date code from the binary file. Example: u_modem_2009_11_16 to u_ modem.bin.
Copy the u_modem.bin file to the USB Thumb Drive. This must be in the root not in a folder.
Power on a CBA750 and wait for the WLAN and POWER lights to go solid green.